There’s not much to say in this update, other than I’m still alive and working on stuff. Albeit, very slowly. I basically stopped working on Arbalest altogether, favoring to work on Shibboleth instead. The main reason behind this is I changed jobs recently, and have been pretty happy with where I was and opted to do what I found most enjoyable. I eventually came to the conclusion that unless I never want to finish a project, I should put some effort to things other than Shibboleth.
Today I’m going to be talking about Arbalest again. It was on hiatus for a while, as I was putting all of my energy into Shibboleth. I had planned on scrapping Arbalest, but I got a spurt of motivation, so I’m back at it.
The main reason for me revisiting this project is because Microsoft released a bug in their compiler that causes it to crash on many codebases. Because of this, I can’t actually compile my project anymore until a fix is released.
I’ve decided to make a series for every time I post about how long it has been since I last posted. In this episode, it’s been about six months since I last posted.
Arbalest I’ve started porting Arbalest to Unreal Engine 4. I just got fed up with dealing with Unity’s lack of basic features, like drawing debug stuff in play mode and the lack of a decal system! Aside from that, I haven’t been working on it much.
This is update is all about the RTS player controller I’ve been developing sprinkled with a couple camera things. So let’s get started.
NOTE: My implementation is partially based on this post.
Box Select The majority of the work has gone into box select for units. This requires a few steps.
Differentiating between clicks and box selection. Rendering the box selection screen space UI. Querying for all units inside the box.
In wake of stopping work on Adrenaline, I have taken up work on a project I have codenamed Arbalest. It originally started life as an FPS I was building. As I was building an FPS, I decided it would be a wise decision to build up a library of common functionality to help with any future Unity projects. I have yet to branch that framework into it’s own repo, so everything is kind of smashed into Arbalest at the moment.